Saturday, August 31, 2019

An Insight into Addressing Behavioural Problems

Typically, in the field of behavioral studies, the objective of intervention has been to diminish a challenging behavior (i. e. aggression, property destruction, self-injury). Nonetheless, as research and practice in behavior analysis have matured to address the point of behavioural functions, there has been an analogous shift in the selection of target behaviors and interventions (Horner and Carr, 1997).Within the last few years, investigators and practitioners applying competent supportive technologies within characteristic school and community settings have been established to identify and to teach socially covetous alternative behaviors such as communication, social skills, and choice-making (Koegel, Koegel, Harrower, and Carter, 1999). Accordingly, practitioners have increasingly identified significant outcomes of behavioural interventions to be not only declines in problem behavior but also rise in one or more substitute behaviors.Therefore the measurement of multiple outcomes for a person with problem behaviors has started to reflect a more complex evaluation model (Carr, Levin, et al, 1999). In effect, I think that the role of the nurse is to help in drafting more proactive approaches in resolving problem behaviour. One possibility for the nurse is to consider the significance of a team based approach to this issue. The team must also be multidisciplinary, one which probably call for the involvement of a behavior specialist with expertise in the practical approach to behavior as a member of the team employed in addressing behavioral issues.Intervention plans based on the practical behavior evaluation of target behaviors have a higher probability of positively influencing the individual’s behavior over the long term (Lalli, Browder, Mace, and Brown, 1993). The involvement of a cooperative team early in the procedure of assessing behavior and designing interventions will surely aid in enhanced intervention fidelity and promoted positive changes in patients’ behaviour (Hieneman and Dunlap, 1999).The nurse should also be involved across the phases of evaluation, intervention establishment, and succeeding program monitoring. Nurses may also be involved in formulating interventions that could be realistically executed (Lentz et al, 1996). I also think that the nurse must take on proactive approaches and techniques seek to decrease the possibility that undesirable behavior will be derived by analysing environmental contexts and the patients’ behavioural repertoires (O’Brien and Repp, 1990).The proactive factors of interventions must stress reliable communication, access to typical environments, and examination of demands. Generalisation of communication skills and alternative behaviors may be fortified during interactions with typical peers during participation in regular activities. Interactions and participation not only allow for opportunities to generalise prosocial behaviors but likewise serve as a encour aging incentive. In all these activities, nurses like myself may take on a critical role.We must not be limited to providing physical care, but also take in careful consideration the other factors that may influence problematic behaviour, and take an active stance in trying to help the individual develop. In taking on a holistic stance, I can make a real difference. References Carr, E. G. , Levin, L. , McConnachie, G. , Carlson, J. I. , Kemp, D. C. , Smith, C. G. , et al. (1999). Comprehensive multisituational intervention for problem behavior in the community: Long-term maintenance and social validation.Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 1, 5-25. Hieneman, M. , & Dunlap, G. (1999). Issues and challenges in implementing community-based behavioral support for two boys with severe behavioral difficulties. In J. Scotti & L. Meyer (Eds. ), Behavioral intervention: Principles, models, and practices (pp. 363-384). Baltimore: Brookes Horner, R. H. , & Carr, E. G. (1997). Behavior support for students with severe disabilities: Functional assessment and comprehensive intervention. The Journal of Special Education, 31, 84-104.

Balance Sheet and Customer Segments Essay

Exhibit 16 of the document showed DLJdirect’s income statement from 1994-1999 (in millions). Exhibit 17 showed DLJdirect key financial and operating performance. The revenue increased steadily from 1994 to 1997. The revenue increase $50 million in 1998 which is equivalent to 43% increase. In 1999 the revenue increased about $44 million. The income was stable prior to 1997 when the company experienced a loss and able to recovered the next year in 1998. In 1999, the company reached the highest income because of the huge commission increase in that year. Overall, the company is making good progress over the years with steady increment of commissions, total trades, average daily trades, total accounts and total customer assets. Does DLJdirect have the financial capability to address new segments, e.g. to do more advertising to attract new kinds of customers? DLJdirect does have the financial capability to address new segments in the market and increase advertising to attract new customers. However when compared to its competitors, they are spending more money on customer acquisition. For example, E*Trade customer acquisition budget was projected to be $300 million in 1999. That’s 50% less than DLJdirect’s total cost and expenses in 1999. For now, the company should build a steady and reliable reputation in the market before spending more money on advertising alone. Identify the ways DLJdirect’s trading service is differentiated from competitors Tiered services for accounts with high asset balances and speed of execution are the two ways DLJdirect differentiates itself from competitors. Customers with asset balance in excess of $100,000 are provided with access to DLJ research and greater access to DLK-manages IPOs. For customers who have more in $1 million or more assets, DLJdirect reduced certain fees, provided a personal service team, and offered more trading time. Exhibit 14 below shows the DLJdirect advantage in speed of execution. According to the stats, DLJdirect provide the fastest transaction speed and availability of each brokerage’s home page during business hours. The speed of transaction is at least 0.3 seconds ahead of it competitors. The company also leads the availability with 99.4%. What are the needs of each of the four customer segments? Which needs are well-matched to DLJdirect’s capabilities? Retirement by the Book (RBB), Portfolio Cruise Control (PCC), Aggressively Affluent (AA) and Get Rich Fast (GRF) are the four customer segments of DLJdirect’s market. RBBs are mass-market investors who tolerate moderate levels of risk and they require reliable trade execution, user-friendly interfaces, and a variety of financial offerings. This segment has a high assets and stability. PCCs averaged total assets in excess of $350,000 but they did not trade very frequently. AAs are the largest internet investor segment with high net worth individuals who averaged over $300,000 in asset and traded more than ten times a year. GRFs are young individuals who made frequent minute to minute basis small trades. They value speed of transaction which is suitable for online traders. AA and GRF segments probably are well-matched to DLJdirect’s capabilities. DLJd irect targeted self-directed online investors who on average have a higher account balances than other investors. AAs customers are aggressive more likely to buy large blocks of stock, trade on margin and own a diverse range of financial investments. Many of them were customers of DLJdirect competitors who seek a move to a higher end online broker. Meanwhile, GRF preferred to not pay for services but they traded more frequently than any other segments. Rank the customer segments according to the profit potential in serving them GRF segment is the most valuable segment as they traded frequently on a daily basis. This enables the company to gain profit quickly in short space of time. AA segment is the second highest because they traded quite frequently and paid food amount for services and information. RBB is the next segment because of its good standing in asset balance and brought interest in. PCC would be the last segment. Although they have an excess amount of average balances, they do not prefer to trade online which makes them has the least profit potential. Should DLJdirect target the Get Rich Fast (day trader) segment? Why? Since this segment traded more frequently than others, they value DLJdirect fast and reliable service that the company could offer. DLJdirect could provide the services that GRF segment sought which are low fees, transaction confidence and site performance. The company could attempt to target this segment but they should not spend a huge amount of money for this customer acquisition. Based on exhibit 10 in the document, it showed that the size of this market segment is reducing as the years go by. When compared to high-end customers, the company needs to assign a higher discount rate to this segment because they swing the health of the stock market. Another problem is that this segment consists of less affluent traders. Therefore, it is advisable for them not to go into this market because the company could not build a long-term profitability in this segment. In your opinion, are there other customer segments that DLJdirect should target? Why? In my opinion, DLJdirect should not target other customer segments besides AA and GRF. The reason is because the company has been doing well in AA segment which is proven by the company good financial standing. With AA segment is projected to dominate the market in the future, the company should continue focusing their customer acquisition in this market. By doing this, the company could steadily build a reputation and acquire a long-term profitability in this segment.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Global Warming (Cause and Effects)

GLOBAL WARMING Since the late 19th century Earth’s atmosphere and oceans have been getting warmer. According to a research by America’s Climate Choices the average temperature of Earth’s surface increased by about 0. 8 Â °C over the past 100 years. There are a lot of causes of global warming. The causes can be split up into two groups’ natural causes and man-made causes. Natural causes occur without the effect of humans. There are two natural causes one of them is the earth goes through a cycle of climate change that lasts about 40. 00 years. The other cause is release of methane gas from some part of the earth. Man-made causes are the biggest affection of global warming. According to National Geographic, there are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming and humans emit them in a variety of ways. Pollution is the one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution occurs in many ways. For example, burning fossil fuels, when fossil fuels are burned th ey give off a kind of greenhouse gas. Another major man-made cause is population. More people mean more food.And to provide more food, fossil fuels are used more often. And more people mean more transportation. This is one of the biggest problem increasing use of fossil fuel. Global warming has observable effects on environment. There are a lot of effects for example: -Ice is melting worldwide. -Sea level rise became faster over the last century. According to the NASA effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring for example: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.And if warming continuous, other effects could happen, for instance: -Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger. -Ecosystems will change, some species will become extinct. -Less fresh water will be available. -Floods and droughts will become more common. So, we can contribute to this global cause with pers onal actions. Our individual efforts are especially significant. We can help immediately by becoming more energy efficient. Reducing our use of oil, gasoline and coal also sets an example for others to follow. Global Warming (Cause and Effects) GLOBAL WARMING Since the late 19th century Earth’s atmosphere and oceans have been getting warmer. According to a research by America’s Climate Choices the average temperature of Earth’s surface increased by about 0. 8 Â °C over the past 100 years. There are a lot of causes of global warming. The causes can be split up into two groups’ natural causes and man-made causes. Natural causes occur without the effect of humans. There are two natural causes one of them is the earth goes through a cycle of climate change that lasts about 40. 00 years. The other cause is release of methane gas from some part of the earth. Man-made causes are the biggest affection of global warming. According to National Geographic, there are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming and humans emit them in a variety of ways. Pollution is the one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution occurs in many ways. For example, burning fossil fuels, when fossil fuels are burned th ey give off a kind of greenhouse gas. Another major man-made cause is population. More people mean more food.And to provide more food, fossil fuels are used more often. And more people mean more transportation. This is one of the biggest problem increasing use of fossil fuel. Global warming has observable effects on environment. There are a lot of effects for example: -Ice is melting worldwide. -Sea level rise became faster over the last century. According to the NASA effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring for example: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.And if warming continuous, other effects could happen, for instance: -Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger. -Ecosystems will change, some species will become extinct. -Less fresh water will be available. -Floods and droughts will become more common. So, we can contribute to this global cause with pers onal actions. Our individual efforts are especially significant. We can help immediately by becoming more energy efficient. Reducing our use of oil, gasoline and coal also sets an example for others to follow.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

CONFLICT RESOLUTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CONFLICT RESOLUTION - Essay Example This paper explores the application of the concept of conflict resolution in my relationship, in my life. My relationships with different people including my family members have not been beds of roses as they have been always plagued by tug-of-war issues relating to who is wrong and who is right between the other party and I. But thanks to conflict management information that I learnt in class I have sufficiently resolved the issues. The resolutions have saved me from nasty fighting side effects both physically and emotionally, for instance, I no longer feel intimidated or having given up on what I really wanted after utilizing the compromisation approach to conflict resolution in my relationship. Instead, the sense is that of a win-win situation as part of my interests are addressed as much those of the party are addressed- none of us totally surrenders their interests for the other party (West & Turner, 2012). From conflict management, I have learnt useful tips of resolving relationship conflict; avoidance of deal-breakers, best time choice, loving acceptance and benefit-of-doubt. First, I have learnt to avoid deal-breaker habits such as personal criticisms, stonewalling and sneering contempt as they hamper mutual communication. Second, I recognize the importance of picking the best time to discuss and resolve the conflict as resolutions are less effective in times characterized by stress ad hunger. Loving acceptance helps to eliminate personal defenses while promoting the urge of pleasing each other (West & Turner, 2012). Benefit-of-doubt puts off jumping to conclusions without hearing explanations from the other

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Valuing diversity in our patient population Essay

Valuing diversity in our patient population - Essay Example As an Hispanic male, I take an interest in health care issues that face Hispanic people. This population of people in the United States is growing, but many of them do not receive good health care. According to a North Carolina Center for Public Policy Research news release, the reasons have been identified as language barriers, lack of insurance or the means to pay for health care, and lack of transportation (para. 8). The same news release also identified that some Hispanics do not know all the services that are available to them. These things need to be changed in order for the health care of Hispanics to improve. First, an increase in Hispanic, or Spanish-speaking medical professionals is necessary. I can personally understand how hard it is, and how frustrating it is, to try to discuss something as important as health care with a person who doesn't speak the same language you do. Of course, there are translators in some cases, but this creates the problem of increased waiting times at appointments while a translator is located and becomes available. It can also be very embarrassing for a patient to be constantly asked if he or she speaks English, and then have a fuss made to find someone who speaks Spanish. This alone could make a patient not want to see a doctor. The news release also mentioned that many Hispanics are in "low-wage occupations" (para. 4). This could directly account for lack of transportation, and the inability to pay for health care. Most low-paying jobs do not offer health insurance. If they do, it might not be affordable. Without a sufficient income, buying a car or paying for insurance becomes nearly impossible. Until these things are changed, the lack of health care for Hispanics will continue. Hispanics, though, aren't the only race of people who don't receive routine medical care. African Americans also fall into this category. Speaking solely of prenatal care, the NCCPPR news release claims that 87.7 percent of whites, 72.6 percent of African Americans, and 68 percent of Hispanic women (para. 6) see a doctor in the first trimester of pregnancy. There is a big gap in the number of white women who get care early, and the number of Blacks and Hispanics who do. The problem with this is that routine prenatal care is necessary for the child, as well as the mom, and not receiving it can cause problems for two people, not just one. Although African-American people and Hispanic people face some of the same problems related to health care, their experiences differ, as well. For starters, most African Americans do not have the problem of language barriers. Some Hispanics arrive in this country speaking no English, and still know little of the native language, and have the challenge of trying to decipher medical language as well. Of course, not all African Americans can understand a physician who uses big words, but they can understand other staff members, and probably are more comfortable asking another qualified person to help them figure out what the doctor meant. Black people do face some challenges, though, that Hispanics might not. In "Race Affects Health Care," Rob Stein discussed the fact that Black patients who are diabetic are more likely to suffer from uncontrolled blood sugar and high cholesterol (para. 15). This wasn't noted in Hispanic patients. This essay reads that "black women receive the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Children with autism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Children with autism - Essay Example Peer influence plays a dominant role in the development of social relations with others in the community. Children with autism can benefit from friendship and good social relationships. Some of the functions of social relations include natural support function. In that participants can have a non-contingent source of support to enable them accomplish tasks. The other function is that social relations serve as informational and social learning. In this case, participants acquire information concerning the acceptable social convections through interactions and feedback from acquaintances. The third function is advocacy function where social relations cite statements to promote their self-worth. Lastly, social relations serve an affirming action where the participants gain a sense of competence. An analysis of social interaction of kindergarten children reveals that social exchanges prompt positive statements for children. The available developmental data indicates that interactions sta rt from social overtures to an equitable reciprocal basis. The initial intervention efforts aimed to evaluate the functional effects of an increased level of social overtures rarely expose to the positive approach behavior from peers. Chiesa & Serretti (2011) say that Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and other interventions such as Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) are psychological treatments that can cure chronic pain. Other therapeutic interventions such as surgical techniques provide limited pain reduction in only a subset of patients. The author asserts that MBSR is a meditation initiative conceived in the late 70s in an effort to integrate Buddhist mindfulness meditation with modern clinical and psychological practice. The application of the program to treat different diseases shows good efficacy for mental and physical disorders. MBSR consists of three different techniques that include a body scan, sitting meditation, and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analyzing Ethical Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyzing Ethical Behavior - Essay Example usiness should behave, and this goes a long way in creating an organizational culture which will see the business increase its efficiency (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers & Langvardt, 2010). Business ethics will stipulate how the business relates to its stakeholders to ensure that there is a good relationship hence reduces cases of lawsuits, make high profits and ensure business continuity. In the past, unethical business practices have resulted to various scandals, which have resulted to serious economic disasters. Since firms have the need to increase their profits they will engage in lucrative practices, which will make them earn unfair profits and benefit from unethical practices. For any company to be successful, it has to protect all their shareholders since everyone will feel comfortable in an environment where they see their needs are being considered. Trust created by the business to all its stakeholders goes a long way in increasing the businesses’ success and profitability. This paper will look at the financial events surrounding Bernie Madoff, and ENRON and elaborate on the consequences and implications related to a lack of code of ethics. Enron Corporation was a company in the energy sector located in Texas and had an employee base of 21000 workers in 2001 before it went out of business. The company fell due to false accounting techniques, which made it to be listed as one of the largest companies in the United States with a rating of seventh overall (Lashinsky, 2001). The company was expected to control the market since it had securities in communications, energy and weather portfolios. The company had a well set out fraud plan by using support from political powers to get favors and get an unfair advantage. The company could shut down power plants so that they could get extra money by charging high rates for energy due to the shortages they created. The company used favors from president bush and Clinton to get an unfair advantage, and it is said that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

ECONOMICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ECONOMICS - Essay Example The price of coffee in Cote d’Ivoire will tend to be high locally while in Vietnam, the prices will be low as much will be imported. 2. (a) The law of one price will hold in the case of rice traded freely in U.S and Canada. For the law of one price to hold, the market should be free from any trade barrier. The relative price is less than one. (1/1.04=0.9615) (b) The law of one price will not hold in the case of sugar traded in Mexico and the U.S. This is due to the imposition of quota by the U.S government o imports. The relative price is less than one. (1/93.05=0.0107) (c) The law of one price will hold in the case of Big Mac sold in the U.S and Japan. This is due to the fact that the good is identical. The relative price is less than one. (1/12.93=0.0773) (d) The law of one price will not hold in the case of haircuts in U.S and the U.K due to the fact that there is no good being traded internationally. The relative price is greater than one. ... .12 Canada(C$) 1.04 1.09 -0.05 1.16 -0.02 Denmark(Krone) 5.17 8.26 -3.09 5.34 -0.17 Eurozone(euro) 0.69 0.93 -0.24 0.72 -0.03 Japan(Yen) 93.05 89.6 3.45 92.6 0.45 Mexico(peso) 12.92 9.24 3.68 13.8 -0.88 Sweden(Krone) 7.14 10.9 -3.76 7.90 -0.76 The change in exchange rates is not consisted with the PPP implied exchange rates. The failure of the Big Mac Index to correctly predict changes in the nominal exchange rate between July 2009 and Jan 2010 can be attributed to the fact that, the demand for the big Macs products is not uniform in all the countries. The price of the big Mac varies significantly from country to country due to the difference in commercial costs such as advertising and transportation costs. 7. (a) Korea Japan Rate of Inflation Rate of Inflation 12/6=2% 2/1=2% (b) The expected rate of depreciation will be, (2.5-2.0)/2.0=0.25% (c) New inflation rate in Korea 15/6=2.5% (d) The increase in money supply will lead to a decrease in the price level and an increase in the exc hange rate. (e) Suppose the bank of Korea want to maintain an exchange rate peg with the Japanese Yen, they will have to choose a money growth rate of 14% to keep the value of the won fixed relative to the Yen (f) In order for Korea to implement a policy that will ensure appreciation of the won against Japanese Yen, they need to set a growth rate between 12% and 16%. This is because the range will allow for a steady growth with low rate of inflation. 11. (a) Importance of having a nominal anchor. Nominal anchor such as exchange rate is that it provides a simple approach that can easily be understood by all members of the public. It also provides a quick means of curbing high inflation rate. A major drawback according to Obstfeld and Rogoff, (1996) is that it leads to loss in the independent

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Southwest trading company-finance case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Southwest trading company-finance - Case Study Example It is the work of financial experts to analyses this information and establishes the negative side of the information. It is important to understand this side of things because, from there is when financial institutions can decide whether their money is safe or not. On an outward view of proposals, it would be very difficult for financial experts to identify unscrupulous borrowers, which prompt for a deeper look into their financial history. A comprehensive credit analysis by a loan officer should begin with an analysis of prior bank relationships, customers, suppliers, and dealings (Koch and MacDonald 603). All this information can be analyzed using a basic four stages process that checks the overview of firm, size and financial ratios, its cash flow, and finally the borrowers projected financial position. The following analysis is carried out on Southwest trading company’s credit worthiness following the four-part process. Analysis Overview of management, operations, and the firm’s industry An overview of the Mahan’s Southwest trading company reveals three things. ... Furniture and jewelry are luxury goods, and most of them sell during high season. This comes around in summer when there is an influx of tourist and it is portrayed as a time people have more disposable money. Following Steven’s extensive contact base in Dallas and Houston, there is a high possibility of the business being a lucrative especially factoring in the fact that he has already received order prior to opening. Working as both a supplier and a retailer also shows an extended risk. However, it is worth indulging into following the high demand of Jewelry and furniture in Texas where the company will be supplying. The third issue is the quality of data presented by Steve. The data shows a positive trend and the business seem lucrative enough. Steve is a holder of an economics degree, an MBA and has had several years of work experience. His projections can appear substantial enough and following their lump sum investment in the business then the quality of data can be rega rd as significant and worth consideration. Common size and financial ratio analysis A review of Southwest Trading Company’s financial projection statements reveals a number of salient factors. Starting with the income statement it shows a very positive trend I the company’s financial performance for the following five years. Sales are increasing in the first three years after which they stabilize and become consistent. In terms of expenses, the projections are under estimated because considering the business will be involved with exportation to Houston, Texas and Dallas. Delays, transportation costs, warehousing and currency difference ought to be incorporated in costs section of the financial statement.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Compare and Contrast Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Compare and Contrast Research Methods - Essay Example However, the entire activity could either be quantitative, qualitative or both. Experimental research methods are commonly used in business particularly in finding cause and effect relationship while isolating and controlling variables in a scientific approach (Lam & Bauer, 2008). Experimental methods could be used in business communication research (Lam & Bauer, 2008). These methods could also find their way in information systems research (Levy & Ellis, 2011). In today’s getting advanced information systems that are integrated with the business world, experimental methods are therefore finding their importance in generating reliable information that could help in the actual decision-making process and gaining systematic guidance on the future actions. These are just some potential applications of experimental research methods in which the purpose is to gain considerable information through the use of experiments in order to test hypotheses and come up with the necessary resu lts. There are other research methods such as qualitative methods like focus groups and participant observation. Other methods include questionnaire-based surveys, case studies and observation. Focus groups are qualitative research methods, and as the name implies they focus on certain groups or samples with the inclusion of a clearly identifiable agenda particularly on obtaining perceptions, thoughts and impressions of a selected group on a specific topic or investigation (Milena, Dainora & Alin, 2008, p.1279). There are many potential applications of focus groups research methods and there is one study in which the goal is to show the relation between business environment and academic research (Milena, Dainora & Alin, 2008, p.1280). On the other hand, since they could generate perceptions of a selected group on a given topic, focus groups could also be used in studying potential market segments for a new product and service offerings which is a common approach by some manufacturin g companies to generate information prior to the new launching of their products. Participant observation is another qualitative research method which involves researchers joining the members of a social group, and having direct participation with them while functionally exposed in the actual field work (Vinten, 1994, p.30). Participant observation is a method of considerable interest among individuals with managerial functions or those studying human behavior in the business context (Vinten, 1994). Questionnaire-based surveys are among the most commonly used research methods employed in the business context. A study reveals that mail questionnaire surveys are common practice in international business research methodology (Yang, Wang & Su, 2006, p.601). Questionnaire-based surveys involve the use of relevant questions to be filled up by the chosen respondents. The supplied data will then be processed to convert them as useful information. Another relevant research methods commonly u sed in the business context are the case studies. A case study tries to integrate theoretical knowledge with new empirical insights, especially on topics that have not yet been widely explored (Vissak, 2010, p.371). According to Vissak, a case study could be used in international business research, both in a quantitative and qualitative approach. However, Vissak added that the case studies are not commonly used as quantitative methods. Vissak’s study about the â€Å"recommendations for using a case study method in international

The Role of a Modern Industrial Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Role of a Modern Industrial Manager - Essay Example Therefore, understanding the role of industrial manager would be highly beneficial and could dictate the success of an organisation. To have a clear understanding of management and the role of an effective manager, one must first take a look at history. As early as 3000 BC, there has been evidence of formal management where business transactions were recorded through written documents (Pindur, Rogers and Kim 1995). As the years went on, people realised the importance of management and started laying down theories and principles reflecting it. The years progressed and different concepts and techniques were born. Leaders learned the value of delegation of authority (Smith 1776). Specialization in tasks was learned to be effective in the work force. These, along with many others, became managerial techniques. The 19th century gave birth to what is known as classical management (Pindur, Rogers and Kim 1995). Aiming to provide a scientific foundation for the management of organisations, this school of thought soon became the most popular among those who study management. The Industrial Revolution had a hand in its development. When workers were transferred o factories, replacing small home-based shops, a need to efficiently manage the work force arose (Pindur et al 1995). Classical management was both scientific and administrative. It believes that through scientific management, productivity may be improved (Taylor 1911). It was said that successful industrial managers are born and not made. Nevertheless, systematic or scientific management when executed properly will show us that, the foundation of good management rests upon theory and principles and not merely genetic inheritance or nature (Taylor 1911). Another point of classical management is to discredit the old notion that the interests of employers and of employees are conflicting. Scientific management reiterates that these two are actually the same (Taylor 1911).

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Luxury Car Market in India Essay Example for Free

Luxury Car Market in India Essay The Luxury goods industry is a very wide industry comprising of products from watches, jewellery, perfumes, expensive wines to yachts, expensive pens, and clothes. Goods for which demand increases more proportionally as compared to income, are known as ‘Luxury goods’, in contrast to a necessity goods, for which demand increases less proportionally to income. Some luxurious goods are bought due to the tag implied of a status symbol, such goods tend to signify the purchasing power of those who buy them. These goods are not always better in quality or appearance than their less expensive substitutes. The main purpose of purchasing these goods is to display the wealth of their owners. The industry is said to be highly cyclical and the driving force behind the growth of this industry is wealth worldwide, while the economic growth and conditions of various regions affect this industry. Jewellery has been part of the Indian civilization since ancient history. They were in fashion since ancient civilizations as Harappa and Mohanjodaro. Made out of almost any material, jewelry is basically adorned to highlight nearly any body part. Be it the traditional jewelry or the latest ones which are increasingly in demand, i. e. the costume imitation jewelery. There is no dearth when it comes to accentuating the beauty with varied imaginative stunningly designed jewelry items. This report has focused on luxury product categories jewellery. The report provides an overview on the size of the market, importance of luxury goods, target market, problems faced and the various driving factors as well as the latest trends. The major global luxury market players have been profiled. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH QUESTION? The Indian gems and jewellery sector is also largely unorganized at present. There are more than 15,000 players across the country in the gold processing industry, of which only about 80 players have a turnover of over $4. 15 million. I want to evaluate the problems faced by the jewellery sector and come up with measures to help make the sector more organized. ?The rise of the middle class population in India is estimated to be around 120-150 million. Keeping this in mind I want to potray the market potential of luxury goods in India. ?India as a Manufacturing Hub for Global Luxury Brands. I want to study and evaluate methods adopted by major countries and conclude the possibility of India being the manufacturing hub for global luxury brands. THEORETICAL RATIONAL The advent of foreign luxury brands is in a way an indicator of the promising India growth story. Looking to reap early mover advantages, these brands have set up shop in our country. The Indian luxury market, currently in its growth stage needs to address key concerns like the lack of adequate retail infrastructure and limited availability of trained workforce for the trade if it wishes to promote luxury retail in the country. The world today is looking at India, and the products coming out of it. Our skills pool speaks of the highest level of craftsmanship and creativity as it has evolved and been refined by many generations that carry on the trade. India is also well poised to be an outsourcing destination for foreign luxury brands. The obvious benefits that India has to offer such as low labour costs, superiority of fabrics and customization, gives it an advantage over other mass producing countries. To achieve the objective of promoting indigenous brands and positioning India as a future manufacturing hub for luxury goods, consolidation in the industry is imperative. The need of the hour is for the industry players to create a sophisticated business model supported by financial and legal footings, and for the government to develop the requisite infrastructure. Indias luxury sector has gained significant speed. It has the potential and resources, to outshine other developing economies. Thus the route is chalked out and the objective is known. If the road can be cleared of challenges and impediments, luxury retailing in India will have a smooth drive ahead. THE EXPECTED IMPLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT FOR ORGANIZATIONS My research on luxury goods and jewellery is innovative because it brings together analysis of national discourses about Indian market with a study of the practices and choices of the Indian government and the luxury goods and jewellery sector. I believe this research can be helpful to the nation, development agencies, and indigenous organizations. I am particularly committed to sharing the results of my analysis with the Jewellers Association in India and hope that my work will not just be an extraction of truths, but will give them information with which they can help make the sector more organized. PRELIMINARY LITERATURE REVIEW Attempting to break into markets overseas is generally more challenging than trying to expand into new domestic markets. Globalization is the process of social, political, economic, cultural and technological integration among countries around the world. (Hodgetts / Luthans / Doh, 2006:pg. 7). Evidence of growth is seen by increased levels of trade, capital flows and migrations; a lot of changes in the environment have taken place. India is the world’s second most populous country; it has traditionally had more than its share of political and economic problems. The per capita GDP remains low, but the recent environmental trends have boosted thus helping to bolster a large middle and upper- class market for goods in the luxury and jwellery industry. The industry is dominated by family jewellers, who constitute nearly 96% of the market. Organised players such as Tata with its Tanishq brand, have, however, been growing steadily carving a 4% market share. As India’s jewellery market matures, it is expected to get more organised and the share of family jewellers is expected to decline. There are more than 6,000 players in domestic diamond processing industry. The average gestation period for setting up a diamond cutting and polishing unit is 15 months. The low gestation period, coupled with low capital cost allows easy entry into the sector. This has led to the industry being largely characterised by a large number of small scale players. However, just as in the case of jewellery, the share of the organised sector has increased significantly in recent years due to an increase in demand for better and finer quality of finished goods. India Gems and Jewellery Industry – Highlights Jewellery market size – $13 billion Diamond jewellery – $1. 2 billion Gold jewellery market growth year on year – 15% Diamond jewellery market growth – 27% (By bharatbook. com Dated: Jul 24, 2008). According to market reports, around 6- 7 million Indians can afford to buy luxury goods but hesitate to do so since they are unfamiliar with brands and products. With a growing millionaire base in India, the luxury market is growing annually at around 35% CAGR (The Economic Times: August 10, 2008) If India keeps the last three years average growth at 9%, the income levels of consumers is expected to almost triple by 2025. By 2025, it is estimated that India will become the fifth largest consumer market, rising from 12th largest today. High disposable income and a largely young population will drive consumption patterns upwards. With a huge youth populace below 25 years and having a 17% share of the world working population, India presents a huge market for brands across the spectrum. It is estimated that 52% of luxury customers are in the age bracket of 25-34years old. By 2033, the active age group 25-45 years is expected to be around one third of the population. With the average age of potential luxury consumers decreasing, the country is a goldmine waiting to be tapped. Given the core strengths of the manufacturing sector, India can well become a manufacturing hub for global luxury brands. Already brands like Louis Vuitton and Frette are looking at India as a manufacturing base for their products, but there are others who simply source their requirements from India. It is estimated that the manufacturing of luxury items in India can grow to US $500 million13. This manufacturing capability if harnessed properly can propel India as one of the leading destinations for manufacture. The cost advantages, particularly in labour intensive sectors like leather and accessories add to the advantage of the country. Luxury in India To be successful in India, it is both necessary to gauge the financial potential as well as the mindset of the Indian luxury consumer. This will help in bringing forth the right product offerings to the Indian consumer as well as targeting them better. Qualitative Insights 1. According to a study by American Express, ‘Inside the Affluent Space’, the mindset of the Indian consumer is a desire to prove that â€Å"I’ve Made It†. This can be related to the luxury categorization which is based on the fact that luxury is seen as a reward, both for achievements in life as well as showcasing these achievements to others. 2. The Luxury Marketing Council Worldwide has established a chapter in India, with the aim of promoting luxury in India. Their task will also be to build synergy between various luxury brands interested in India by way of sharing of consumer insights as well as best practices. 3. Even the Asian region is not uniform in its preference for luxury in terms of need fulfilment. Therefore, it becomes important to delineate the needs of the Indian consumer from the other Asian regions to target them better. This agenda gains importance because many Indians look at acquiring luxury from places such as Hong Kong, Tokya, China etc. Eg. It is interesting to note that Singapore consumers are more of connoisseurs compared to Hong Kong consumers who want Talk-Value from their luxury goods. 4. Hindustan Times has been at the forefront of driving the luxury revolution in India by organizing two Indian Luxury Conferences in the last 4 years. To add to it, it also brings out a monthly supplement of luxury goods available in India, thereby creating awareness for the luxury brands. Quantitative Insights. 1. As far as quantitative estimates are concerned, there will be 135,000 millionaires (in US dollar terms) in India by 2009. 2. The affluent market is set to grow at a rate of 13% in India, and by 2009, there will be approximately 1. 1 million affluents here. 3. The wealth potential of India’s affluents was to the tune of US$ 203 billion as of 2005. HYPOTHESES Keeping my literature review in mind my hypotheses would contain: Aim †¢The aim of this research is to study the different entry strategies and analyse which strategy is the most appropriate for luxury goods and jewellery in India. Objectives †¢Develop a case study on Indias luxury goods and jewellery industry and its progress to date and to seek secondary information that relates to entry strategies in the luxury goods and jewellery business. †¢Study the luxury goods and jewellery industry environment and Indias modifications. DATA SOURCES AND THE JUSTIFICATION FOR THE CHOICE Secondary Data Source The secondary data source would be documentary data: books, electronic media, and articles published in journals and newspapers which would help to answer the research question. Primary Data Source. To validate the finding of the research, interviews will be taken from the people who are in the jewelry and luxury goods industry. Semi structured interviews will help in putting across our research question and also listening on the topic area which interest the interviewee. Questionnaires data under this would help me to evaluate the general perceptions. Sample Size of primary Data Large qualitative methodology will be adopted for primary data collection. A survey conducted by e-mail questionnaire. A sample size of a few questions will be analyzed and interpreted with an approval from the supervisor. Method of Data Collection The literature search will aim to be comprehensive, but restricted access to primary literature. The collection of primary data will be based on a survey; the number would be restricted due to the restrictions of time to complete the project and resources to support it. I intend to collect data from luxury goods and jewellry industrialists who include manufacturers, exporters, traders, agents, lecturers, and students through questionnaire. Surveys and questionnaires will be administered on paper, in different formats. All may take place in person, or by mail, over the phone or via Internet/ Email. Data Analysis Both qualitative and quantitative techniques will be used in this research. The data obtained from the questionnaire will be analysed using quantitative technique. An interview and data which is collect from secondary source will be analysed qualitatively.. Interview data will be transcribed and then analysed qualitatively. Here, qualitative research would be used explore and understand peoples beliefs, experiences and attitudes. And quantitative research would be all the numerical data which would be from the surveys and questionnaires. RESEARCH DESIGN Dissertation Time Plan. MonthActivity December 3rd/4th weekStart thinking about the research ideas and data collection January1st/ 2nd weekLiterature searching and define objectives. January 3rd/4th weekLiterature searching/ writing. Submission of proposal Febuary1st/2nd weekDrafting of literature review/ working on Research Methodology/Conduction Interviews/ Meeting the tutor and taking a feedback February3rd/4th weekChecking literature review/ Analysis of the data collected and linking theories to the case study. July 1st/2nd weekMeeting tutor and check for final revision. July 4th weekSubmission of final draft. METHODOLOGY TO BE EMPLOYED The research for this dissertation would be done using multi-methods this is because different methods can be used for different purposes in this study. The research would have an inductive approach as I would collect data from companies and bring out responses to the research questions. The time horizon would be cross- sectional because this study is of particular trend, and not longitudinal analysis as they are made on observations over a period of time. The data collected would be by multi-methods i. e. qualitative and quantitative. These methods would be used to study the changes in environments. There would be secondary data to analyze the changes within the context of the organization. Details of any ethical considerations and steps taken to meet potential ethical concerns. Luxury goods should not be confused with the moral legitimation of their consumption. Especially if you are yourself a merchant who profits from the trade in luxury goods. Spending money on luxury goods, does good to the poor by inducing them to exert the industry, rather than keeping them idle. Hence creating employment for the poor. This kind of justification takes the issue of motivation for granted, that is, it assumes that people desire to consume luxury goods with a good conscience, thus keeping money in circulation. The following steps can be taken to meet potential ethical concerns: †¢Raising awareness of the code with subsidiarys. †¢Evaluation of the ethical monitoring programme. †¢Further monitoring of additional high risk suppliers from whom the company sources goods †¢ †¢Respect the use of banned substances/chemicals and provide an â€Å"alert service† to the retailers. References Books †¢ Charles W. L. Hill (2003), International Business †¢ Financial Times Management (1999), Mastering Global Business. †¢ George S. Yip (1992), Total Global Strategy. †¢ Gill, J. and Johnson, P. (1997) Research Methods for Managers (2nd edition), London, Paul Chapman. †¢ Harold chee, Rod Harris (1998), Global Market Strategy. †¢ Helen Deresky (2006), International Management, 5th edition: Managing across borders and cultures. †¢Hodgetts, Luthars, Doh (2006), International Mangement: culture, strategy and behaviour(6th edition), America, Mc-Graw-Hill/Irwin. †¢Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe (2004), International Marketing Strategy: analysis development and implementation. †¢GEMSTONES By Ronald F. Balazik †¢Fortune Magazine, 2007 †¢Mintel International Group, 2006 Websites †¢AmCham Shangai, http://www. amchamshanghai. org/AmchamPortal/MCMS/Presentation/Publication/Insig ht/InsightDetail. aspx? Guid=%7BFCCD3DCF-18BB-4705-9C8D-C677B764ACE1%7D †¢The Economist, August 2007 http://www. economist. com/business/displaystory. cfm? story_id=9005244 †¢Seeking Alpha http://seekingalpha. com/article/15478-growth-in-chinas-luxury-goods-market-to-be-fueled-by-2nd-tier-cities †¢http://www. just-style. com/store/product. aspx? ID=53193 †¢http://www. asp †¢The Economist, August 2007 http://www. economist. com/business/displaystory. cfm? story_id=9005244 †¢International Herald Tribune, 2005 http://www. iht. com/articles/2005/12/04/opinion/rbuy. php †¢Forbes, 2005 http://www. forbes. com/2005/06/22/luxury-wealth-trends-cx_sr_0622luxury. html †¢Wikipedia http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Luxury_good †¢Harvard Business School, http://hbswk. hbs. edu/item/4321. html †¢Miami Herald 2007, http://www. miamiherald. com/business/story/271242. html †¢Boston Consulting Group, http://retailindustry.about. com/od/seg_luxury/a/bl_bcg071304_2. htm †¢International Herald Tribune, 2007 http://www. iht. com/articles/2007/01/15/bloomberg/sxlux. php †¢Alf Nucifora, http://www. nucifora. com †¢HNWIs Behaviors and Portfolios Globalize, 2006, Merrill Lynch-Capgemini †¢Harvard Business School, http://hbswk. hbs. edu/item/4321. html †¢The Economist, August 2007 http://www. economist. com/business/displaystory. cfm? story_id=9005244 .†¢The Economist, August 2007 http://www. economist. com/business/displaystory. cfm? story_id=9005244 †¢Cosmetics Design Europe, 2006 http://www. asp? id=65405-luxury-goods-experiences †¢Boston Consulting Group http://retailindustry. about. com/od/seg_luxury/a/bl_bcg071304_2. htm †¢WWD. The Magazine, The Luxury Institute http://www. luxuryinstitute. com/about/news. html †¢Forbes, 2005 http://www. forbes. com/2005/06/22/luxury-wealth-trends-cx_sr_0622luxury. html †¢Wikipedia, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Concierge_medicine †¢Forbes, 2005 http://www. forbes. com/2005/06/22/luxury-wealth-trends-cx_sr_0622luxury. html †¢WWD The Magazine, The Luxury Institute http://www. luxuryinstitute. com/about/news. html †¢The Economist, August 2007. http://www. economist. com/business/displaystory. cfm? story_id=9005244 †¢US Chamber of Commerce, January 24, 2007 http://www. asiapacificms. com/articles/korea_counterfeits/ †¢http://www. iltm. net/en-gb/press/pressreleases680. cfm nation master. com Articles †¢Luxury goods market in India keep its cool 10 Aug 2008, †¢The Kirk Report Problems With Luxury Goods -TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23,2007 †¢Market for luxury goods: THE CASE OF THE COMIT? COLBERT By Giacalone, Joseph A Publication: Southern Business Review Date: Fall 2006 2006 †¢Why The Luxury Market Continues To Roar by Alf Nucifora.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Pros And Cons Of Each Approach

The Pros And Cons Of Each Approach The project management team at Parallel Services is having a debate about how to define tasks in the work breakdown structure used to construct a Gantt chart. Ann, the project manager, wants to break tasks down into the smallest possible units. For example, she objected to a broad task statement called Develop a training schedule. Instead, she suggested three subtasks: (1) Determine availability of training room, (2) Determine availability of attendees, and (3) Select specific dates and training times. Karen, another project team member, disagrees. She feels that the broader task statement is better, because it allows more flexibility and will produce the same result. Karen says that if you break tasks into pieces that are too small, you risk over-managing the work and spending more time on monitoring than actually performing the tasks. (a) Discuss the pros and cons of each approach. Breaking down tasks into smaller and manageable units, makes the inter relationship between those units clearer, effectively helps the planning process, easier to revise and update plans when needed, assign work packages to appropriate skill groups, which makes it easier for the project manager to macro manage the project. Tracking the progress of work packages is more accurate because the timeline feature of Gantt chart carries over to WBS. Smaller tasks also carry some disadvantages like need for excessive communication, unending status reporting, loss of productivity and more. For example, the below figure shows that a project that is twice as large will be much more than twice as complex. Only one interaction among team members exists in Project A. In Project B, as many as six different interactions can take place. Unless carefully coordinated, multiple interactions can lead to misunderstanding and delays. Large work packages (Broader tasks) can be unclear as team members may not be sure of what they are supposed to do. There are chances that your team members could assure you about meeting the delivery date of the large chunk of work and approach you for schedule extension just when you thought the work would have been done. In addition below are some more disadvantages of large/broader tasks. You receive less feedback to overcome this, smaller tasks are better because people can learn sooner if the tasks are smaller and provide better feedback. Work might expand after the initiation of a project. Large tasks usually have long due times. Hence there might be no sense of urgency which leads to low motivation. Tasks fail if they are big After spending half of the budget, you discover that resources are not enough to finish the task on time. The only solution would be fight with neighbor projects to find more resources which is again expensive because you cannot just cancel the project after spending half of the budget. So, your task would drag on forever, and consume even more resources. (b) Explain which approach you would advocate and justify why. I would like to support smaller tasks. Project manager plans, monitors and tracks the work done by the team members, so tasks should be small and manageable. Trying to manage a project as one large task would be impossible. Instead, i would like to break the project down into many smaller tasks that can be easily managed. People who procrastinate often comment that when they wait to the last minute to complete a project, they often feel overwhelmed, and the task seems insurmountable. Breaking the task into smaller units and setting priorities, the work would be more manageable and less intimidating. Finding the correct size for the work packages is very important when planning on work breakdown, not too big, not too small, but just correct size. If the tasks were smaller we always have option to increase it later if needed. However the opposite is always not possible. Work breakdown structure would help assigning tasks to individuals, monitor the work status on a regular basis and also hold people accountable for the work assigned to them. Preparing the work breakdown structure properly, you can easily maintain your schedule and people will be responsible for their part of work (tasks assigned to them). A project task can be represented by one or several team members. In a workgroup, to complete a task, the workgroup leader should consult with the workers in order to develop the task list. A task should be broken down in to a level where an individual is able to do a task without further breaking it down into smaller units. The project task list does not necessarily describe task sequence, but the task leaders will often think in these terms. It is important for the project manager to keep in mind that these tasks must be broken down into smaller, discreet, independent work units, and that none are left out. Breakdown is satisfactory when individu als are identified who can determine exactly what has to be done, how long it will take, and who will do it. If, on one unit of effort, several groups are each working independently of each other, the unit needs even further breakdown. Each autonomous team should have its own task. Below is a simple example of work breakdown structure. Question 2 Point value: 10 Many companies are undergoing server virtualization. This is the concept of putting multiple virtual servers on to one physical device. The payoffs can be significant: fewer servers, lower electricity and cooling costs, lower infrastructure and administrative costs, increased flexibility, more effective use of space, and lower maintenance costs. The costs of doing so include licensing virtualization software, labor costs in establishing the virtual servers on to a physical device, costs of updating tables, and access. However, determining return on investment can be a challenge. Some companies have lost money, while others claim that they have gained a positive return on investment. (a) Suggest ways in which a company could determine its actual return on investment from server virtualization and how this would be accomplished. Server virtualization increases the rate of investment for an organization. Below are some of the ways in which server virtualization can help the organization to increase their ROI. 1. Reducing server maintenance, storage and networking costs 2. Reducing growing power, cooling and costs pertaining to facilities 3. Increased IT productivity 4. Reduce business risks Server virtualization allows an organization to save money on hardware, floor space and resources. Virtualization uses existing servers to provide better performance without adding additional capacity, which results in savings from hardware. For example, deploy three virtual servers on one physical machine and it saves the need to buy three separate machines, which may be used less frequently that too at full capacity. When the physical number of servers in an organization is decreased, this means less storage space is required. Office rents are a major expense for any business, so less space is definitely a plus. It is necessary to calculate the money to be spent on the licenses for virtualization products. Buying more RAM and software licenses are more feasible than buying new machines. In the long run virtualization can save money because it reduces energy consumption. Server virtualization makes an organization more effective by making use of the existing infrastructure in a better way. Migration is easier in virtualized environment. With virtualization we can just deploy an image of the existing or a new system or solution on the present server without a need for a new server deployment. (b) Discuss whether this is a type of project in which a systems analyst would become involved and why. A systems analyst would be involved in this type of project. Though server virtualization is a great choice there are factors to consider prior to the implementation of product. The analysis and planning phase should be done properly to avoid any type of virtualization failure. A systems analyst should have better understanding of server virtualization concepts before trying to implement it in an organization. The leading virtualization solutions are easy to deploy and user friendly however might require close inspection based on the requirements of the organization. This doesnt mean that you shouldnt consider virtualization, but you should look carefully at the numbers and run a test bed before committing to the idea. Below are some of the notable factors that a systems analyst needs to consider before deciding on server virtualization idea. Single point of failure When failures occur on a server on which all the virtualization solutions are hosted and running, when the virtualization solution itself fails, the system crashes. Need for powerful machines Virtual servers demand powerful hardware. It is still possible to deploy virtualization solutions with less powerful systems; however the performance decreases greatly if there is no sufficient RAM and CPU power on the main system. Lower performance Issues Problems show up after the application has been virtualized. Application performance would differ when it experiences lot of stress from different processes running on the same server. Performance issues cannot be predicted in advance. Not always possible There are applications where virtualization is not possible or not feasible. One practical example is database, since databases require frequent disk read and write operations, virtualization, which takes time to perform is not at all suitable for the database environment. Security Security configurations and concerns must also be considered when analyzing a virtualization solution. It is the job of systems analyst to carefully weigh the pros and cons while considering to go for a virtualization solution. Question 3 Point value: 15 The vice president of accounting says to you, the IT director, This systems development life cycle stuff takes too long. She tells you that her people know what they are doing and that all systems requests coming from her department are necessary and important to the organization. She suggests that the IT department bypass the initial steps for any accounting department request and immediately get to work at the solution. (a) Justify your departments use of the SDLC and the consequences of omitting stages of the lifecycle in systems analysis. The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model that describes the stages involved in a system development project starting from Identifying problems, opportunities and objectives through maintenance of the application. There are several models developed to guide the process involved. Documentation is crucial regardless of the type of model chosen for any application and is usually done in parallel with the development process. Success of a project depends on how closely the plan was followed and implemented throughout the project development. During the initial phases, systems analyst is concerned with correctly identifying the problems, opportunities and objectives. The success of the rest of the project depends on this because if the problem is not identified correctly at the initial stages or skip this stage then the rest of the team would be addressing the wrong problem. The cost of fixing a defect in the early stages of the project is very less when compared to fixing a defect at later stages of the project development because it would cost a lot to fix the defect when project is in production stage. Below is a simple graph of cost and time graph that can explain the cost of change as we progress in the project. (b) Explain to her the alternative design methodologies used in systems analysis, how they are similar to and how they differ from the SDLC, and the appropriateness of each for different types of projects. Agile methodology and object oriented methodology are the other two alternative methodologies used in systems analysis. Agile methodology is an approach based on values, principles and core practices. Agile methodology not only reduces the risk of misunderstanding, it also minimizes the cost of addressing any defect. Object oriented best suits situations where complex systems undergo continuous maintenance, adaptation and redesign. Understanding the organization, budgeting time and resources, developing a project proposal, gathering information and sampling data from existing reports are the activities that are common in all the three methodologies (SDLC, Agile and Object Oriented methodologies). SDLC and object -oriented approaches require extensive planning and diagramming. The Agile and object-oriented approach allow subsystems to be build one at a time until the entire system is complete. The agile and SDLC approaches are concerned about the way data logically moves through the s ystem. SDLC approach can be used when there are adequate resources and time to complete the full SDLC. Agile methodologies can be used when applications need to be developed quickly in response to a dynamic environment. Object-Oriented methodologies can be used when organization supports the UML learning and when systems can be added gradually, one subsystem at a time. Question 4 Point value: 20 points FlexTime is a regional chain of fitness centers that provides workout facilities as well as a variety of fitness classes to its members such as aerobics, martial arts, yoga, Zumba, and kickboxing. The chain has 50 facilities located in the northeastern region of the United States. Each facility employs approximately 80 individuals including managers, personal fitness trainers, fitness instructors, receptionists, on-site physical therapists, and maintenance personnel. The owners of the chain would like to replace their antiquated database system with an integrated system that keeps track of payroll, employee and class scheduling, inventory, and membership dues at each of its facilities. They have asked your systems analysis team to conduct a feasibility analysis and to develop the system for them, assuming that it is feasible. (a) Explain how you would conduct the feasibility analysis for FlexTime. I would start with defining the potential impact of the integrated system which can help decision makers to determine whether or not to replace their antiquated database system with an integrated system. Feasibility study report should be prepared in such a way that FlexTime can decide about cost estimation, funding and important decisions which are very essential for them to be stable and run profitably. Systems analyst should analyze the current system with the proposed integrated system and prepare detailed report that contains information related to technical, economic and operational impact and will also include both pros and cons of both the current system and proposed system. Interviewing managers, personal fitness trainers, fitness instructors, receptionists, on-site physical therapists, and maintenance personnel, developing and managing questionnaires to interested sponsors, such as potential users of the information system, monitoring users of the current system and determi ne their requirements as well as their like and dislike with the current system, gathering, investigating, and analyzing documents, specifications, reports, procedures, user guides, and any other documentation relating to the operations of the current system, modeling, detecting, and simulating the tasks of the current system are some various methods a systems analyst can use to collect data. It pursues to determine the resources required to develop an information systems solution which includes the cost and benefits and the feasibility of the new solution (b) Provide three examples of why this project might lack technical feasibility. This project may lack Technical feasibility because Flextime doesnt have enough information technology staff to execute the project. The existing resources (hardware or software) might not be able to support the business needs. Lacks financial resources to support the proposed system. The organization might lack the expertise, time or personnel required to implement the new project. (c) Provide three examples of why this project might lack operational feasibility. This project is not adequate in terms of operational feasibility because the project might not be easy to operate. The users (managers, personal fitness trainers, fitness instructors, receptionists, on-site physical therapists, and maintenance personnel) of the project lack proper training or knowledge of the system. The project procedures might be too complex for the personnel as the system has integrations with multiple applications. (d) Provide three examples of why this project might lack economic feasibility. This project might lack economic feasibility because they might lack the finances required to wait for return on investment, so the project implementation might halt due to longer payback period. They can use the profits gained with this and reinvest in other technology. In addition, benefits and costs can both be intangible, hidden and/or hard to estimate. Alternative financing arrangements like renting or leasing or purchasing required hardware or software. When compared to existing system the proposed system would be integrated with many other applications, the organization may want to invest more on labor. Costs may have been underestimated (However, we did compare our costs to a comparable services startup costs). Furthermore, although we hoped to exhaust the potential list of project costs, there will likely be items that we must purchase. (e) Explain which of the systems development methodologies discussed in the text would you choose to use to develop the system for FlexTime and why. I would like to use SDLC to develop the system for FlexTime. SDLC model can answer questions like Do we have the hardware or software to handle the system?, Do our computers have enough memory?, Does the new proposed system do what it is supposed to do? and many more. SDLC is used to identify the need for the system initiation, ship out the new system to the user(implementation), and de support when no longer needed(Disposition) because if we dont have a clear plan for doing all these, then it can become an expensive mistake. As each phase of SDLC requires documentation, reporting and approval, it assures that a project does not go out of hand either by changing the direction or becoming a financial black hole. There will not be any surprises when the system is shipped to the user because the management is aware of every step and it is documented. In short because of the planning, approval, testing and documentation activities SDLC can assure that the system can, and will work as exp ected. Question 5 Point value: 45 points City College is considering introducing a new online system through which faculty and students will place textbook orders which will be implemented in fall 2011. As the systems analyst assigned to this project, you have been asked to obtain information from different user groups who will be using the new system. (a) Identify the different user groups that you would want to gather information from, and explain why. Administrators They are responsible for setup and maintaining user accounts, maintaining system, verifying whether all the hardware and software used are working properly, monitor system performance, creating backup and recovery policy to use whenever there is a disaster, setup security policies for users, monitor network communication. Librarians It is always important to collect information from librarians because they create records for library catalogs, process library materials for collection, assist users in locating materials, circulate library materials and handle overdue processes, managing user records, operating customer service points, in fact librarian is the person who would have knowledge of everything in the library. Students They use library more than any other user groups identified in this case so it is very important to gather information from students to build the new online system. Faculty/Reviewers/Evaluators/Teaching Assistants As most of these people use library for traditional printed resources, inter-library loan, electronic journals, and electronic databases/article indexes. Gathering information from them would help developing online system and provide all options they need. (b) Develop an interview protocol that you would use to interview members of the user groups. In doing so, identify the types of questions that you might ask as well as the appropriate structure for conducting the interview. When interviewing administrators and librarians I would like to follow the protocols that include open ended questions and then move on to closed ended questions to be more focused with the interview and finally with some open ended questions and appreciate the interviewee for taking time out of his/her schedule. I might even use general probes in interviews to enable the user being interviewed to be as informative as possible in their responses. I might ask questions like Is there anything else you would like to add?. I would like to use diamond structure for conducting the interview as this structure combines the strengths of the both pyramid and funnel structure. When interviewing students and faculty I would like to start with open ended questions and then narrow the possible responses by using closed ended questions. I might ask questions like How do you use the library resources?. I feel funnel structure best suits to conduct the interview for this users group. (c) Make a case for or against the use of joint application design (JAD) sessions to gather information. Joint application design (JAD) sessions to gather information would not suit because JAD sessions require commitment of a large block of time from all participants, JAD requires minimum of two to four day commitment where participants may not do any other activities concurrently. Inadequate JAD session preparations in any regard or if the follow-up report and documentation of specifications is incomplete. The necessary organizational skills may not be sufficiently developed to enable the concerted effort required to be productive in a JAD session. JAD may not be possible in our case as students may have their classes/exams going on or faculty may be busy teaching in class at the time of JAD schedules. (d) Develop a questionnaire that you would use to elicit information from members of each user group. Students Group Which Department are you in? What courses are you taking? What types of books are required for your course? What authors books do you prefer or are preferred by your instructors? Any specific publications? Is there anything else you would like to add? Faculty Group Which Department are you in? What courses are you teaching? What type of books do you propose to the students? Any specific authors? Any specific publications? Is there anything else you would like to add? Librarians Group Library catalogs? Any library material for collection? Any overdue processes? What books do you see students using/requesting most? Any new journals/magazines required? Any editions of books to be updated? What type of user records? Is there anything else you would like to add? Administrators Group Types of user accounts? What type of tools required to upgrade the search capabilities in the online library system? System performance monitoring options? What type of security policies? Is there anything else you would like to add? (e) Explain how the questionnaire might be distributed to members of each user group. Make sure to describe the benefits and drawbacks of each distribution method that you suggest, and provide a final recommendation with justification. I think we can distribute questionnaire to users in all groups via email and web survey because we can reach the users quickly. Cost of taking opinions from the groups with paper is completely reduced since the surveys are taken electronically and email is free, user privacy is maintained. Responses can be automatically collected and stored electronically at users convenience. Reminders can be sent easily and are inexpensive via email and by using software we can turn email data into data tables for use in spreadsheet. (f) Determine what sampling methodology you would use to distribute the questionnaire. Justify your selection. I would use stratified sampling methodology to distribute the questionnaire. To develop an online system for text book orders the data gathered should be effective and stratified sampling methodology is often essential in such cases. Using this sampling methodology a systems analyst can gather information from different group of users/people say for example you may want to use a survey to gather data from students, faculty but you might prefer to use personal interviews to gather similar data librarians and administrators. (g) Suggest a strategy for analyzing any existing documents that are used in the textbook ordering process. Explain why you would choose this strategy and why you would select certain documents (You can be general in specifying the types of documents.) Systems analysts should consider both quantitative and qualitative documents for analyzing. Quantitative documents include analyzing reports, records and forms to determine where the organization stands currently and what the vision for the proposed system is. Qualitative documents include email messages, memos, web pages, procedure manuals and policies because they contain details of the expectations of behavior, the ways in which users expect to interact with information technologies. Systems analysts can take help of guidelines to systematically approach to this sort of analysis. The focus of the document analysis should be a critical investigation, rather than a mere description, of the documents. The analysis should include questions about the educational purpose of the document; how librarians, faculty and students are using it, and how it is contributing to learning. Records provide periodic updates of what is occurring in the business, it can provide much useful information t o the analyst. Systems analyst should make a note of performance measurement. This measurement can help analyzing the actual and intended performance of the system. Analyzing policies allows the systems analyst to gain an awareness of the values, attitudes and beliefs guiding the organization.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Obesity In The United Arab Emirates

Obesity In The United Arab Emirates A health problem in the UAE and the world today, is obesity. We find it in large proportions. The UK and other countries also suffer from this disease. There are many causes of obesity and it affects people locally in the UAE , the UK and the rest of the world. The incidence of obesity is a major problem with many serious effects for the individual and the countries of the UAE , the UK and the world. This study will highlight the problem in the UAE and the UK just to show that the UAE is not the only one afflicted by obesity. Obesity -what is it? The problem of obesity is a major one in todays society, and it is estimated that more than 1 billion people are being classified as obese worldwide .Obesity is an increase in fatty tissue of the body and around organs, and it can cause a variety of bad health problems. Health problems include emotional as well as physical problems, for example, feelings of inferiority, and low self esteem due to an obese look. For children, name-calling, such as tubby, fatty, elephant, or others, as well as bullying from friends can occur. Physical problems are many, and include ones such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and some cancers. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), where the body can no longer respond to insulin, also happens. This influences the control of blood sugar levels which can rise and fall. In the UAE we have high numbers of diabetes sufferers (Global Arab Network 2010).Estimates show that by 2025, about 300 million people are expected to suffer from diabetes related to obesity . This number is to be double that of 1998 (University Edinburgh). Obesity is more than just having more weight or being overweight. It is an accumulation of extra body fat which puts the obese (overweight) persons health at risk, in the form of heart disease and diabetes (Sofsian). Body mass index (BMI) is used by doctors to find out if a person is obese. BMI correlates with height: A normal range is said to be 18.5-25; overweight is 25-30 and a BMI over 30 is considered to be obese (Henderson; Patient UK). Obesity in the UAE: There are three main causes of obesity in the UAE , namely diet, lifestyle and education. Firstly, diet is seen as one of the most important causes. The dietary (food) intake of most young Emiratis revolve around foods of a high carbohydrate and high fat content such as deep-fried chicken, French fries, burgers and pizzas. Many stores such as KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut and Burger King are well-known and visited on a daily basis. This type of food is eaten more now than in the past due to the UAE having become wealthy after the discovery of oil (ADMC). Stevens (2006), reports that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a boom in economic development and financial growth for all families in a region did not always come with improved health for the people who lived there. Sometimes that opposite could occur with the new found wealth going into junk food and too much of it. Next, the lifestyle of the Emiratis is another reason for obesity. Emiratis of today are less active and doing easier jobs such as desk-work, than in the past when they had to perform physical tasks. Today there is a big number of expatriate workers who do most jobs. Also, there is a general lack of exercise among young and old, male and female . This is mostly due to the weather and a lack of interest in sport or exercise. The healthy few, are mostly those who play football or other sports. Children are mostly found playing computer games in the home and eating too much. More money also means more to spend on food, relaxation and eating out. In some cases, married life also cuts back on exercise and contributes to weight-gain (ADMC). Thirdly, a lack of knowledge about healthy eating is another cause. There is an idea that the more money a country has, the more food they consume irrespective of the consequences of wrong-eating. Another factor is that there is a general lack of intervention from parents in terms of childrens eating habits and nutritional values. Parents do not stop children from eating wrongly and sometimes give children too many snacks and sweets. An awareness of healthy dietary requirements is also absent (ADMC; Sify 2010; Stevens 2006;Yaqoob 2009 ). Statistics UAE: These show that more than 60% of Emirati nationals are overweight and this figure is growing. The World Health Organization (WHO) released the following statistics for 2009:39.9% women are obese, 7th highest in the world and the men 25.6% at the 9th highest. Children in the UAE are also obese and this figure is growing (AMEinfo; Sify 2010; Yaqoob, 2009). UK Obesity in the UK is mainly caused by more or less the same factors as in the UAE- overeating; eating the wrong foods; little or no physical exercise/ activity and inheritance. It is shown that about 2 in 5 adults are overweight and a further 1 in 5 are obese (NeLM;Patient UK). According to government statistics 1 in 4 men and 1in 3 women are overweight- 24% for women and 23% for men; however, the rate of men being obese is increasing and at this rate it is estimated that by 2010 about 6.6 million men and about 6 million women will be obese. About 1 in 3 children between the ages of 2 and 15 are overweight (Henderson; IOTF; Lean; Sofsian).The UK is an old developed country and it is long since people moved away from hard physical work. The average UK life is a sedentary one with easier jobs and lots of TV viewing and little exercise. Also, children are less active and stay indoors mostly to play computer games. Effects Individuals and the country are affected in many different ways. The biggest effect of obesity on the individual is that of health risks. Heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and osteoarthritis, to name a few, are prevalent among overweight people. Other problems due to obesity are breathing problems, bad knee joints and difficulty walking (Henderson; Sofsian, 2007). Due to these health concerns the individuals quality of life drops to a low. Obese people can lose confidence and suffer psychologically- this goes for grown-ups and children (Henderson). A result of this could be depression, mood swings, yo-yo dieting, eating disorders like bingeing and withdrawal symptoms (Patient UK;Yaqoob, 2009). The country as a whole can suffer in the form of big numbers of unhealthy citizens in need of medical care. This could put strain on the government health budget in the form of medical-care, heart- transplants and medication. Sick and unhealthy workers are less productive and this leads to a loss of income for companies and job losses for these workers(Henderson). These workers might influence their children badly with eating habits and lifestyle because they are bad role-models (Ameinfo,2009). TREATMENT: Gastric-banding in the UAE to counter Obesity: What is Gastric-banding, gastric bypass and gastric sleeve? Gastric banding is an operation performed under general anesthesia. In this procedure, the surgeon places an adjustable band around the top part of the stomach. It creates a small pouch to hold food. The procedure is done by means of key-hole surgery (laparoscope). Food coming into the pouch is held and let through slowly into the stomach, so the person feels fuller sooner and for a longer time and so does not overeat. This is a safe procedure for those who are drastically overweight and cannot seem to eat less (virtualmedicalcentre 2010). In gastric bypass a step is taken to make the stomach smaller. The surgeon will use staples to divide the stomach into a small upper section and a larger bottom section. The top part of the stomach (called the pouch) is where the food consumed, will go. It holds only a small amount of food. The second step is the bypass. The surgeon will connect a part of the small intestine, called the jejunum, to a small hole in the pouch. The jejunum is farther down from where the stomach normally attaches to the small intestine. Food eaten will now move from the pouch into this new opening into the small intestine. Food now bypasses the lower part of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine, and so the body will absorb less calories (Lee 2009). In a gastric sleeve operation, up to 80 % of the stomach is removed. The remaining portion of the stomach is pinned together, creating a substantially smaller digestive tract (Shaheen 2009). Shaheen (2009) reports that doctors are citing increases of up to 500 % in the number of people turning making use of gastric surgery in trying to lose weight and are even operating on patients as young as 12.This operation is not normally performed on younger than 16 years old, but in this case there was no alternative to curb the obesity. Other Programmes to counter Obesity In the UAE and the UK the governments have started with programmes to lessen obesity and cut back on the numbers of people suffering from it and dying from the results of obesity (Lean, 2006; Yaqoob,2009). Doctors and health practitioners are trying and investigating numerous ways in which to combat obesity (Pittler Ernst 2005). According to Arnold (2009), there are ways and means to overcome the problems of obesity- permanent lifestyle changes in terms of what is eaten, how much is eaten, eating manners and exercise levels. The British Medical Association agrees with the International Obesity Taskforce (IOTF) that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦interventions at the family and school level need to be matched by changes in the social and cultural context so that the benefits can be sustained and enhanced (BMA, 2005). This means that there should be good efforts and progress made by the medical workers, teachers, doctors, parents, food manufacturers, and media to help with this effort (Yaqoob,2009). An idea even arose to levy a tax on sweet drinks to discourage consumption (New Scientist, 2009). Also, governmental town planners, architects, politicians and legislators should all play a role to build a better and a healthier society (BMA 2005; Yaqoob, 2009). Change 4 Life was started in the UK to highlight child obesity. Their slogan is: Eat well, Move More, Live Longer. It focuses on reducing TV, video games and indoor play and encourages more outdoor play, movement and sports activities (Callaghan, 2009). In the UAE the focus is also on exercise and diet ( McMeans 2008 ; Zawya,2009).At a seminar in Dubai, titled Fat Truth organized by the Ministry of Health and UNICEF, Dr Mariam Mattar, general manager of Community Development Authority, said that In our society, there is an exaggerated focus on feeding children, regardless of their nutritional requirements. In order to control and change the growing number of obese children in the UAE, social attitudes had to change first, according to a senior community doctor and others (Ameinfo,2009; Sify 2010).Schools and families should be encouraged to get children to exercise more and eat better (Baxter 2009). Conclusion: Obesity is not confined to the UAE and the UK alone -it is a world-wide problem. Many of the causes and effects for the UAE and the UK , as well as other countries are mostly similar. People are suffering from obesity in both countries and this is causing extreme health problems, and this puts strain on governmental health services. The problem of obesity has been identified and both countries are addressing these in the form of health education, lifestyle changes and exercise initiatives.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Choosing a Vegan Lifestyle Essay -- Argumentative Animal Rights Vegan

Choosing a Vegan Lifestyle Erica is going out on a date tonight with a boy from her Biology class. She takes a long shower and washes herself with hard animal fat. Next, she neatly spreads grease derived from wool onto her lips. To finish herself off, she spreads liquid from a shark liver onto her face and sprays some oils and liquids derived from the anal sex gland of the beaver and whale excretion. Now she is ready to go as she is sure that she will impress her date with her dolled up appearance. Little does she know that the soap, lipstick, makeup and perfume have all been created from the slaughter of innocent animals. Animal production for agricultural purposes is harmful to humans, the environment, and of course, the animals which are subjected to testing, mistreatment, and distressing conditions. Veganism is an alternate healthy lifestyle in which people choose not to consume or purchase products which harm animals, their personal health, and the environment as a result of animal production. Becoming a vegan may take some initial adjusting, but after acknowledging all the problems that the meat industry creates, it will hopefully seem like the only choice to make. For the sake of animals, personal nutrition and the environment, choosing a vegan lifestyle reflects a beneficial outcome for all. Animals are the unfortunate, innocent test subjects used when creating new products. Every year, except in UK where it is banned, millions of animals are subjected to painful experiments simply so that people can have a new brand of shampoo or a new scent of perfume. There are three main tests which animals are subjected to. First is an eye irritancy test in which a substance is applied to the eye of a rabbit to see if there... ...ome to millions of species, which can become endangered when they lose their habitats. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide, so fewer trees mean more global warming. And it is not just the land that suffers. Every year farmers in the UK spread about 80 million tons of animal manures and other organic farm wastes on to the land as fertilizer. Much of this runs off into nearby rivers or streams. This run-off endangers the health of fish and other animals in the area. This shows how meat and dairy production is an unproductive use of land, food and water. Choosing a vegan lifestyle is beneficial to humans, animals, and the environment. Supporting veganism can make a big difference in the world. Whether it is for animals, personal nutritional reasons, the environment, or all three, there is no reason why anyone should not at least consider or support becoming a vegan.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing Moby Dick, Ahabs Wife and Diary :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

A Comparison of Moby Dick, Ahab's Wife and Diary A story is composed of many parts, some necessary and some to add meaning. What are necessary are characters, a setting, a conflict, and a resolution. To add meaning an author may include complicated histories to their characters' lives, underlying themes, value within the setting, and surprising twists within the conflicts and resolutions. Because this outline is generally used throughout fictional stories, many, even if written in completely different genres and time periods, are alike and can be compared. This is because through technological and social changes, themes such as man vs. man, man vs. himself, man vs. nature, and man vs. society remain constant. Newer authors such as Chuck Palahniuk are considered post modern; he must create art in a world where everything that could possibly be original has already been created. Therefore he is expected to take what has been done and make it better. Thus, he combines themes from Moby Dick and Ahab's Wife to make Diary. Herman Melvill e wrote Moby Dick in the nineteenth century to narrate a story of a man who battles the world in search of himself. It is hinted that he left a wife behind and selfishly sacrifices his fellow humans because he can only see his one goal: capturing the white whale. Sena Jeter Naslund took the idea that Ahab had a wife and created Ahab's Wife (1999), which gives birth to many characters and similar themes. Most of this novel details Una's life before she met Ahab, but also includes her absent husband a great deal and illustrated their relationship while he is present as well as after he leaves. In both novels the inner turmoil of man dominates, creating similar backgrounds, lives, and goals for both Ahab and his wife Una. Chuck Palahniuk, a nouveaux shock fiction writer, also writes with man vs. himself (sometimes literally), man vs. society, and man vs. nature permeated throughout in order to create his novels. By combining character traits, settings, conflicts, and resolutions, one c an easily understand how, though the world has evolved, the underlying themes of fiction have not. Within the plots of the three novels there are many similarities. Diary is a fictional story written as a series of diary entries. Misty is keeping this diary as suggested by her comatose husband's mother; "It's what sailors and their wives used to do .

Saturday, August 17, 2019

All public behavior is ultimately private behavior

Ever since Stephen Covey established himself with his phenomenal book The Seven Habits of highly Effective People, people are on the lookout for what is deemed quality reading that he had then became known for. In First Things First, it is expected that it is going to be a repeat of the success of the previous material (Covey et al. , 1994). People of today are mostly living in harried and often-times exhausted schedules.The pressure to juggle jobs, family and other jobs primarily due to financial needs is a common experience of people today and this has led to a number of complications both to the mental and physical existence of individuals, and the devastation of some of their precious relationships, that necessitate adjustments constantly. Covey refers to this as time management dilemmas and leadership problems (Covey et al. , 1994).This paper attempts to draw some important discussions and assumptions that relate to the book’s content and the authors’ understanding of how several principles are applied to address what makes a person effective ultimately in the public arena or workplace and in his personal life. Discussion It is inevitable that juggling work and family life will be one of a person’s demanding experiences. The rationale for having a job is not only to have a livelihood, achieve personal satisfaction in the expression of his abilities and trainings, and receive his remuneration and perks on the side.Preparation for family stability to be able to provide and thus create an atmosphere of care, for bachelors/maidens, is also the foremost and logical reason for having a job. However, the thin thread that separates between the two polarities becomes blurred, and there lies the tension that pulls a person in different directions (Covey et al. , 1994). The Center for Mediation and Dispute Resolution opens its website with the following quote: â€Å"Our life is one giant balancing act (http://www. cmdronline. com/workshops. htm) . † Perhaps, no person will ever disagree with that statement.The goal then is to know how to do the balancing act, to gain competencies in achieving a rewarding, flourishing kind of life that holds work in one hand, while maintaining a well-nurtured and healthy family on the other hand. The array of questions that confront couples or families with this dilemma is quite limitless. Stress is a psychological factor and a common feature of almost every kind of work (Covey et al. , 1994). Two reasons may be suggested why there is a growing recognition of the importance of stress on the job.First, there is the general awareness that stress-related diseases have reached epidemic proportions. More people die or are disabled today as a result of stress than at any other time. Because stress is so physically damaging and pervasive in people’s lives and because it is primarily psychological in nature the discipline of psychology as a whole and especially the specialty area of hea lth psychology is interested in studying and treating stress and other psychosomatic disorders (Covey et al. , 1994; Chang et al. , 2006). The second reason for the growing awareness of the importance of stress at work is practical.The effects of stress on the job are costly and are reflected in a lower productive efficiency. Stress has been known to reduce drastically employee motivation and the physical ability to perform the task well thus, increasing absenteeism, turnover, and tardiness (Covey et al. , 1994; Cahill, 2003; Chang et al. , 2006; Williams, 2003). The main assumption that this paper asserts therefore, is that given the impact of stress to people, it is expected that the average individual look for solutions to minimize its impact and certainly, Covey’s principles in time management is nothing else but timely.The importance of sorting through what is important and the urgent as illustrated in the four quadrants or time matrix is understandably logical, but dete rmining what’s what in somebody’s schedules and activities are then entirely different. People have to go through â€Å"painful† realizations of what activities should stay and what should go in accordance to established priorities. The latter, concerning priorities, the book â€Å"First things first,† took time to guide in making every reader understand.Overall, then, each person must confront and deal with a large and recurring number of stress-producing events everyday both at home and at work. Although most people experience at least some of the harmful effects of stress at one time or another, most people, fortunately, do manage to cope (Covey et al. , 1994; Landy, 1985; Williams, 2003). One effect of stress on the job resulting from overwork is called burnout. The employee becomes less energetic and less interested in the job.He or she becomes emotionally exhausted, apathetic, depressed, irritable, and bored; finds fault with everything about the wo rk (Cahill, 2003; Chang et al. , 2006; Landy, 1985; Williams, 2003). Employees with burnout become rigid about their work, following rules and procedures blindly and compulsively because they are too exhausted to be flexible or consider alternative solutions to a problem (Covey et al. , 1994; Landy, 1985; Williams, 2003). There is a price to pay for such overwork over a long period of time. Stress accumulates and leads to the psychological and physiological ailments described earlier.These people work so hard that they burn away their energy faster than the body can replace it. Such persons have been described as workaholics, or employees addicted to work (Cahill, 2003; Landy, 1985; Williams, 2003). There is no person existing who may not possibly experience inefficiency and ineffectiveness (as the book implies); by-products of this highly stressed culture as a result off wrong choices of what is really deemed important. The urgent takes control of the important matters that renders a person conducting unhealthy and often destructive lives (Covey et al., 1994). Conclusion Ultimately, people lead their lives in public as a result of personal choices or how they conducted their lives in private. The choices they make in life and work are best seen as results of private behavior; i. e. the important aspects of one’s life (the â€Å"compass† as Covey states it) (Covey et al. , 1994) takes precedence over the seemingly urgent yet unimportant activities. In general, people become satisfied and fulfilled when success comes to both important areas in his/her life.Work brings personal gratification and provision for family is secured somehow, while having a happy and contented family is considered miracle in a dog-eat-dog world. This is the aspiration of many if not all working couples and individuals. When employed in an institution that really takes care of their workers, taking into consideration the things that their employees hold dear by providing a s much as the employee needs, the worker or employee settles into a condition wherein he/she can focus on the work or be inspired of it.In addition, the worker can afford more quality time to spend with his/her family. The strategies mentioned are time-and tested approaches. These have greatly helped a lot of people or families in their search for a balanced work-family life. At the stake when a family works to achieve a balance are principles or values they uphold (Covey et al. , 1994). These are the values of family togetherness, rearing and nurturing their offspring, and providing for all aspects of each household member. References: 1. ______Centre for Mediation & Dispute Resolution, Retrieved May 2, 2008 in http://www.cmdronline. com/workshops. htm 2. Cahill, C. A. 2001. Women and stress. 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